Fucking Simple Ingredients x 2

Steve Price
3 min readOct 6, 2022
ideas, drawn with passion

The pressure.
Do you feel it too?
Social, today’s street corner drug dealer.
Rampant like crack in the 90s.
Everyone’s at it.
Ideas, pouring out in posts on Linkedbin, Medium, Substack.
Podcasts, aplenty.
Vodasts(?) to watch, but attention drifts.
Bookmarked, with intention.
Saved post.
Read later (never).
Mind wonders, like a river rapid.
Tabs open like jars of penny sweets in a sweet shop.
Body tenses, twitches with caffeine induced necessity to say something.
Write something clever.
About design or branding or anything you useless fuck.
Write that thing about brand loyalty verses brand preference you started.
Save draft.
Close tab.
Yeah, that’s what I thought.
Who has the time? How do all of you manage it all? Consume everything.
Running a company, a home, school-run, doing the washing, emptying the dishwasher, ignoring the parents WhatsApp.
Exercise amidst all that?
Find new work.
Win new work.
Just write.
I am.
How’s it going?
Opens Twitter. No notifications.



Steve Price

Design and brand consultant. Insight. Ideas. Creative director. Father. Brother. F1 fan. Dry Martini, stirred, with a twist. Owner of Plan-B Studio.